Monday, September 8, 2008


Here's one thing I'm learning right now.

Falling in love is a choice.

It sounds ridiculous. The term "falling" into love makes it sound like you don't have a choice, you're just sort of tumbling into it. But, I believe that that is wrong.

Any commandment God gives us, it's always a choice. We can choose to follow it or not. We can choose to be disobedient (to our great harm), or we can choose to obey.

As such, it is clear that we can choose to fall in love with God.

When He tells us, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind," this is a commandment we can choose to follow. We can choose to love God with everything we have. Subsequently, then, falling in love is a choice as well.

We can choose to think about our loved ones, to meditate on their good qualities, to remember the good times spent with them, the great things that they've done for us...We can choose each morning to fall in love with God.

God, help me to choose You.